2024 Goals: January update (7.30%)

Thiago Moreira
Thiago Moreira
1 Minute

January is always an open month. What do I mean by that? For me it is the time of the year to put the New Year’s resolution in place and test if the plan makes sense.

Is the opportunity to execute the action items defined in your New Year's resolution and evaluate how hard it would be to keep them until December 31. If the plan is too hard you can make the first adjustment right away. That is why I keep my goals in draft until the end of the month.

This late January I found out that my plan was too demanding in a specific target so I decreased it for that goal.

January progress was 7.30% which is okay. It is behind the Perfect World (8.33%) but it isn't that far. Let's keep in mind that I'm just warming up engines!

2024 monthly evolution

Goal by goal progress

The screenshot below is a photo of my progress on 01/31.

I'm using 37 Goals to manage my goals & progress. The below screenshot and the previous one was taken from my account in the service.

Back to the screenshot… the first block shows in green my overall progress which was 7.30%.

The progress bar also shows an orange segment of around 2% that corresponds to the gap between my progress and the perfect world. The perfect world at 01/31 is about 8.33%

The perfect world is a straight line (the red line in the previous graph) that can be used to guide you through the year. If you follow the perfect world line you will reach 100% by the end of the year. More about that you can read  here .

The subsequents block corresponds each to a goal that I have, the progress of it and the likely date that I will achieve it. The progress bar works in the same way as the Overall block but focuses in the goal's progress.

The blocks with a green background are my priorities. They are my Pareto's 20%.

In summary January was a good month, nothing outstanding but good!